Monday, November 26, 2012

"Honeymoon Phase..." My Ass.

Marriage is a beautiful thing. When it's beautiful. Case and point - My wedding was totally the best day of my life. Tying the knot with your best friend, surrounded by loved ones, great food, awesome music, liquor flowing, dancing to embarrassment. My husband is honestly one of the greatest people I know. But that doesn't mean I don't want to wring his neck every now and again. Society paints a picture that once you get married, those slight to major idiosyncrasies no longer exist. The honeymoon stage lasts for years and its all rainbows and butterflies. Bullshit. I've been married one month and we've already had our usual bicker banter. This by no means, means I'm any less in love with my husband, or feel any hint of doubt about my decision. Ironically, it's the contrary. It simply says, I'm normal - WE'RE normal. And you should not feel like a failure if every living breath you breathe as a married couple isn't replaced with euphoria and cotton candy. Actually, you should feel rather accomplished. You've achieved a goal in which many either do not reach or cannot endure - finding someone who loves you so unconditionally that they have chosen to live through every moment, no matter how ecstatic or nauseating they may be, literally 'til [natural] death do you part.. Should you manage to make it that far.

Now that we're clear, let me introduce myself. No names, as I prefer we talk freely and judge-free. I am just a girl, who lives a semi-normal life on the outside, but a complete weirdo on the in. I like Frasier and Will and Grace. I'm a Bravo reality TV junkie, and as of late, I've been scarily watching Salt and Columbiana as though I collect royalties on each re-run.  My music palette is totally unbiased, except for most garbage on current radio. I'm an 80's baby and personally I wish I could go back and freeze that time socially, or at least audibly.  I love animals, particularly cats, and I currently have a bad ass feline at home. She is the queen of our kingdom and completely rules Rabbit and I.  PS - Rabbit is the nickname I've created for my husband.  I promise it's not sexual.  I'll tell you more as we get to know each other. Never been one to give it up on the first date. Or at least, not in recent years. Feel free to chime in should you feel so compelled.

Welcome to our lives. Or something.
